





Intelligent Wheelchair Steering


Towards Independent Mobility & a Better Quality of Life

for people with


Cerebral Palsy, MS, ALS, Tetraplegia







Evidence-based top-notch technology

At Belgian university KU Leuven, a thorough research project resulted in scientific insights in both technical as well as clinical aspects that determined the solution that CoMoveIT Smart is today.  We have summarized these insights in a white paper. To receive a copy, contact us here.


Click below for more.  

To a large extent, the innovation of CoMoveIT lies in the use of specific high-tech pressure sensors and the smart software algorithms that process these signals.  More technical details can be found in the Partner's FAQ section.

Click below for more. 

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News - Nieuws - Nouvelles - Aktuelles



CoMoveIT wins Henry van de Velde award 2023

(EN/NL) - Awards - 15/11/2022


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+32 477 880 175

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