Hello, here is IronLevi.
Today I will tell you how I play Fortnite with a head control. Since August, me and my dad took a look at whether I couldn't take over a few functions. We already had an Xbox Adaptive Controller so that was already easy. Then we were looking for solutions to link that controller to something.
Fortunately, I have a head control so we linked it to that. Then we tried different functions. First we had the button to shoot and the button to jump. But I only jumped : ) and then I thought what if I do the reload button now. And that went better. And we won a few games. And then dad attached 2 more buttons and now I can also change weapons and change to the pickaxe.
This was the story of how I play Fortnite with my dad's help.
Until next time.

Hello, Iron Levi here again.
Today I will talk about different pads. 'Pads' are the pressure pads on the CoMoveIT Smart that contain the advanced technology. Inside are pressure sensors that capture your movement and translate it into smooth control of the wheelchair.
A fortnight ago, I tried out the different pads with Sotiros. Sotiros invented these pads; his title is Chief Technology Officer at CoMoveIT.
They were different from the previous version. What I mean by that is how hard that I had to push for going into the menu. There were different colours that showed the hardness of the pads. So they were easy to distinguish between them. I was allowed to test these out. There was white, pink, salmon and yellow. The best were pink and yellow.
I also have a title: it is user experience specialist at CoMoveIT. What that means is that I help in the developments of the pads and the headrest, also I go along to trade fairs. For instance, I have already done REVA and Rehacare. There, I demonstrated the wheelchair and explained the system.
See you next time!
Iron Levi

Iron Levi: Going to the store with CoMoveIT Smart!
Mar 06, 2023. Bruges.
Hello this is Iron Levi. In this blog I am going to tell you how someone with CP can go to the store.
I went to the store near the office on an internship day with the CoMoveIT Smart. First we walked 1.2km, then I drove inside and the fun began!
First we went to get Oreos for my sister, there was a woman who was not kind enough to grabbing that and putting it on my lap. Then we went for Bambix (that's my milk) and I asked an employee to grab that and put it on my lap and he was so kind to do so. Then I bought something for my colleagues: waffles! Then I looked for bread, the attendant had to grab the back one for the date. At the checkout I asked a woman to put my items on the belt and she was willing to do that. Paying at the checkout wasn't that smooth because the clerk had to take my card out of my breast pocket but because she didn't understand very well, the attendant had to take it out and pay.
I liked it and I would like to do this more in the future. Maybe even a shopping center!
See you soon!
Iron Levi
Iron Levi: My city trip to London!
Dec 15, 2022. Bruges.
A while back, I went on a city trip to London for 5 days and 4 nights with my mum and dad and my sister Eden (24 years old). We went by train from Calais to Folkestone and from there it is only an hour's drive to London. The city trip itself was very enjoyable. It was not my first city trip. We have been to London many times before so we know it well there. The first day, Sunday, we went to the city and we ate Sunday Roast and it was tasty but also special, after that we went shopping a bit. Monday we walked in a mall called Westfield. In the evening we went to see ABBA Voyage which was very wheelchair accessible and very chic.

Tuesday we went to the centre again but in a different part of town. Wednesday we stayed in the mall which was very nice and in the evening we had dinner at the hotel. Thursday we went to the city again and left around evening.
Despite the fact that I really like having this opportunity, I regret that I can't drive by myself in a shop and I am always pushed by my parents or sister. I think driving by myself would be more fun because I can choose where then I stand. And when someone is driving it's like my hands are steady.
Since a few weeks, I have been driving with the CoMoveIT Smart which makes me much calmer in my wheelchair. With this new system, I would be able to go shopping independently (if the doors are wide enough) and explore the city.
My dream is to one day do a big trip with the CoMoveIT Smart. I would like to go Spanish coast once for 6 weeks. I think this should definitely be possible with this new innovative system.
See you soon!
Iron Levi