CoMoveIT Smart announces compabitility certification with different wheelchair brands - latest update 14/11/2022


CoMoveIT Smart can provide high independence in terms of mobility for people with different forms of complex movement disorders like CP, MS, tetraplegia, etc. Also Permobil worked hard to recognize compatility with this steering system with their powered wheelchairs. (14/11/2022)

View the LinkedIn post about the compatibility agreement with Permobil

View the compabitility agreement


CoMoveIT and DIETZ POWER B.V. signed a Certificate of Compatibilty today at day 1 of REVA Informatiebeurs. Great step in our mission to provide our brand new head-foot steering system to people with complex movement disorders. The evidence-based development of this medical device left no doubt at Dietz-Power. (update 19/10/2022)

View the LinkedIn post about the compatibility agreement with Dietz Power

View the compabitility agreement


Hurray!!! Ottobock and CoMoveIT cheer for compatibility of Juvo wheelchairs with the CoMoveIT Smart steering system!
Another step forward in our mission to provide the best possible mobility for as many people as possible with complex movement disorders. (12/07/2022)

View the LinkedIn post about the compatibility agreement with Ottobock

View the compabitility agreement







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